What are Recalls ? VIN decoder service

Manufacturers must report safety defects or noncompliance to NHTSA within five days, filing detailed defect reports and quarterly recall updates as per federal regulations. VIN decoding service.

VIN DecoderHub

12/8/20241 min read

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Manufacturers who determine that a product or piece of original equipment either has a safety defect, or is not in compliance with federal safety standards, are required to notify NHTSA within five business days. NHTSA requires that manufacturers file a defect and noncompliance report as well as quarterly recall status reports, in compliance with Federal Regulation 49 (the National Traffic and Motor Safety Act) Part 573, which identifies the requirements for safety recalls. NHTSA stores this information and the data can be used to search for recall information related to specific NHTSA campaigns and product types.

Source: https://www.nhtsa.gov